
Common Commercial Roof Installation Problems

August 25th, 2019 | in Commercial Roofing

When having a commercial roof installed, it is important to select reputable commercial roof installation companies to avoid some common installation problems. Poor installation can lead to all sorts of problems, including:

-        Standing Water

-        Improper Roofing Materials

-        Not Fully Cured

Standing Water

One of the main problems with commercial flat roofs is standing or pooling water. This is a common problem when the roof is not installed correctly. There are a couple reasons that this may happen. First, commercial flat roofs should have a slight grade to allow the water to run. A flat roof installed with an improper grade will not give the water a path to run. The other cause of this may be that drains and gutter systems are not properly installed, meaning that the water becomes trapped and has nowhere to go.

Improper Roofing Materials

The use of improper roofing materials during installation can also cause a number of problems. Not every commercial building is the same, and depending on the use of the building, different materials should be utilized. For example, if a commercial roof will have traffic, it needs to use materials that support foot traffic. Another example is for commercial restaurants. A restaurant should have a PVC roof, as a rubber membrane may rapidly degrade when exposed to fats and oils.

Not Fully Cured

When roofing materials are not fully cured and installed correctly, wind is able to grab hold underneath the roofing material, and create a suction effect. This can result in roofing materials being blown off. It is important that roofing materials are properly installed, and allowed to fully cure to prevent this uplifting effect.

As you can see, there are many factors that need to be considered to properly install a commercial roof, and avoid common installation problems. When looking for commercial roof contractors in Vancouver, make sure you go with Laurentian Roofing to make sure your roof is done right.

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